6 Seconds
When a short six-second delay is introduced on the feedback from the webcam, it disorients one’s experience of time and embodiment as they enter the space. The webcam records both the reflection of the room and the reflected image of the feedback (which shows the time recorded six seconds previously reflected from the mirror). A person viewing the projection sees both the recorded image of themselves
from six seconds earlier and of the projection’s broadcast of what had been reflected on the mirror another six seconds earlier—twelve seconds in the past in a temporal and visual mise-en-abyme. An infinite regress of time continua by six-second intervals is created.
The concept of the 6 Second Cube is to bring self-awareness to the viewer of how people perceive them by delaying the presentation time by 6 seconds. This impression is something we rarely see and it invites the viewer to become self-conscious because they now know how others perceive them (only in the physical sense). It also allows the viewer to experience a different way of seeing themselves and learn something new about themselves.
This piece was part of the Serendipity Arts Festival in Panjim from 15th - 22nd December 2024 as part of the curation for ‘Panjim Cube’ by Thukral and Tagra